5:13). 20 The cherubim shall have their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings and [o]facing one another; the faces of the cherubim are to be turned toward the mercy seat.. Jan. 10, 2023. As a lawyer, he developed the legal strategy that saved the military chaplaincy when its constitutionality was attacked in court, and he received the Legion of Merit for his service. Availing yourself of these may be a highly effective way of obeying the sixth commandment. Walter Brueggemann, The Book of Exodus, in vol. Kaestner doesnt claim the policy would work everywhere, but says it has been embraced by workers at Bandwidth.com regardless of religious affiliation. [Video]. 19 Make one cherub [m]at one end and one cherub [n]at the other end; you shall make the cherubim of one piece with the mercy seat at its two ends. The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God. We will repeat the commentary from Exodus and Work here, with additions exploring the variations between the Exodus and Deuteronomy accounts. The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 are the same and identical. The "10 Commandments" are listed in Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5 and Exodus 34. similarities of 10 commandments in exodus and deuteronomy. All papers are for research and reference purposes only! This would have defeated the reason for revealing the Decalogue, to communicate divine laws to the people. Bringing the two together, we see that the foundations for keeping the sabbath are both the way God made us and the way he redeems us. Even better, if we can learn how to work so that our success goes handinhand with others success, covetousness is replaced by collaborationand envy by unity. How about exaggerated advertising claims, even if they do not falsely disparage competitors? Statute 196). Jews begin the Commandments with the statement, "I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." Now, we have discussed the similarities between these two groups of laws, now let us talk about the differences between the two. Why would there be no difference? Of the 613 commandments Medieval Jews identified in the Torah, the ten written by God on the tablets of stone Moses brought down from Mt. Another important difference, not visible in theabove-abbreviatedlistings, isinthe commandment regarding the Sabbath: in the Exodus version, people are told to keep the Sabbath holy because God worked for six days and rested on the seventh; but in the Deuteronomy version used by Catholics, the Sabbath is commanded because "you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm." The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 are the same and identical. 10 Astonishing Lessons We Learn from Psalm 27, Is there an immortal soul? Let me ask you is ones wife his property? Wives become trading commodities at that point and as disgusting and despicable as it is, divorce can be legitimized and marriage becomes nothing more than a business deal. . First of all, Hammurabi's Code is written by man, while The Ten Commandments is written by God. But is this always something we should participate in? When others share or complain about their struggles with parents, we can listen to them compassionately, support them practically (say, by offering to take a shift so they can be with their parents), or perhaps offer a godly perspective for them to consider. In keeping the Sabbath, Israelites will be following a pattern set by God himself in creation. In this light, perhaps the traditional Jewish reticence to utter even the English translation Godlet alone the divine name itselfdemonstrates a wisdom Christians often lack. Nonetheless, the general principle of the Sabbath applies directly to the matter of work. (Luke 9:62), 5 Powerful and Vital Lessons from the Life of Samson, 5 Powerful Lessons from the Life of Jephthah. Daily Briefing Jan. 18: Whats the status of the status quo on the Temple Mount. The use of the term "Catholic" Ten Commandments are meant loosely because both Catholics and Lutherans follow this particular listing which is based upon the version found in Deuteronomy.This text was likely written in the seventh century BCE, around 300 years later than the Exodus text which forms the basis for the "Protestant" version of the Ten Commandments. Answer. The only previous mention is in the Exodus Decalogue. God is the supreme God who should be our ultimate source of knowledge and authority and not some bishop who like to change the Laws of God just to accommodate their personal prejudice. It is Gods will that, or God is punishing you for, are dangerous things to say, and almost never valid when spoken by an individual without the discernment of the community of faith (1 Thess. Ibn Ezra expressed exasperation with people who fail to understand these scriptural characteristics. Or will you follow the devices of men motivated by Satan himself? "That the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed." 1 Timothy 6:1. Never allow anyone or anything to threaten Gods central place in your life, as David Gill puts it.[1]. Wives are not property to be passed around. The scope of our global economy suggests this command may have wide application indeed. Let God be true and every man a liar. In ancient times, idolatry often took the form of worshiping physical objects. Any time we acquire something of value from its rightful owner without consent, we are engaging in theft. Sometimes Scripture adds a reason when it repeats something. IX. If God is the focus of our worship, desire for him displaces all unholy, covetous desire for anything else, including that which belongs to our neighbors. How many careers come to a tragic end because the means to accomplish things for the love of Godsuch as political power, financial sustainability, commitment to the job, status among peers, or superior performancebecome ends in themselves? REL 101 Exam #3 (Mathews) Flashcards | Quizlet Deuteronomy. Surely, THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE TRADITIONAL TEN COMMANDMENTS! And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him. The Ten Commandments can be found in two passages in the Bible. [1]It finds pointed application in legal proceedings where what people say depicts reality and determines the course of lives. Unlike for uninspired people now who just form the face of Jesus or God according to their perception. However, The Ten Commandments occurs in two places found in the Torah, first in the book of Exodus and second in the book of Deuteronomy. . Obeying this command enables us to live long and do well because developing proper relationships of respect and authority is essential to individual success and social order. They describe the essential requirements of Israel's covenant with God and are the core principles that govern the nation and the work of its people. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. These de facto courtrooms are conducted without due process of law. Where is the honor of a father and a mother if the mother is but something that can be traded off at equal value of a house, or if marriage is something that is just as contractually binding as a bill of sale or a proof of purchase or my ownership, where possession is 9/10th of the law. In our workplaces, we can help other people fulfill the fifth commandment, as well as obeyit ourselves. Now as far as the second to last and last commandments go. Decalogue is also the designation for the twelve commandments in Exodus 34:12-26. 8 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image- . 6:24). The Decalogue, the ten laws proclaimed by God to Moses as the representative of the Jewish people. Work may subject people to sexual harassment and pressure to have sex with those holding power over them. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. Ten Commandments | Article about Ten Commandments by The . It includes, of course, disrespectful use in cursing, slandering, and blaspheming. These commandments are not, nor were they supposed to be the same as the "ten words" or Decalogue. EXODUS 20:3. Where is the sanctity of family? Pingback: The Best of 2013: Top 10 Most Popular Posts that You Should READ Again | Christian Living 101, Pingback: 10 Biggest Lies Your Pastor Probably Had Told You | Christian Living 101, The alleged commandment of not making any graven images is actually taken out of context. Austin Cline, a former regional director for the Council for Secular Humanism, writes and lectures extensively about atheism and agnosticism. Contributors: Duane Garrett Second Commandment: James and Paul confirmed that we are not to worship idols (Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). It is often assumed this is because of founder Truett Cathys particular interpretation of the fourth commandment. Bible Commentary The first as personally spoken and written by the finger of God and is found in Exodus 20:2-17 and the second which was written down and spoken by Moses and is found in Deuteronomy 5:6-21. Remember to keep holy the Lords Day. He dropped the second commandment altogether, divided the tenth into two commandments, and then renumbered his revised list of ten. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God., This essentially eliminates the false idea of a separate commandment just for images, because God would contradict himself shortly thereafter (Chapter 25, see above). When we take a job because it allows us to live near them, or send money to them, or make use of the values and gifts they developed in us, or accomplish things they taught us are important, we are honoring them. Forexample, in the Catholic listing the imperative against adultery is thesixth commandment; for Jews and most Protestants it is the seventh. "Comparison between Deuteronomy 5 through12 and Exodus 20 through 24." The Ten Commandments in Exodus, Deuteronomy, and the New Testament 1st Commandment. However, the Hebrew word used in Exodus 20:11 to express the same thought of "false" is an entirely different word: ( Ernest Klein Shin-Quf-Resh p680 leftColBot midColTop Lie-Falsehood-Deception ). Ten Commandments, also called Decalogue (Greek: deka logoi ["10 words"]), list of religious precepts that, according to various passages in Exodus and Deuteronomy, were divinely revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai and were engraved on two tablets of stone. Yet when we imagine that by achieving them our safety and prosperity will be secured, we have begun to fall into idolatry. 2014 by the Theology of Work Project, Inc. The Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the sabbath day (Deut. Deuteronomy 5:8-10 repeats it. If aging or dementia begins to rob them of their memory, capabilities, and good nature, caring for them can become a deep sorrow. Actually, the real and only 10 Commandments, inscribed by Gods finger, as brought down from the mount are as follow: III. Actually, the full quote says. If we do have some other concern stronger to us than our love for God, it is not so much that we are breaking Gods rules, but that we are not really in relationship with God. The Ten Commandments were then written by God on the tablets for the second time (Exodus 34:28; Deuteronomy 10:2-4). This can be a lengthy topic. The Ten Commandments were the code of conduct that was to turn millions of ex-slaves into Israel, a functioning society intact and operational, a "treasured" nation. By Katlin Parham. A comparison of a law regarding slavery offers an insight into the reason why the Deuteronomic laws are sometimes different. He is an attorney and a rabbi, with masters degrees in both psychology and Hebrew literature and a PhD in Judaic studies. This detailed description of an image was constructed according to the will of God. Let us look at each verse containing the commandments and see clearly what differences exist; Deu 5:7 is same as Exo 20:3 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 2023 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved. But regardless, the fact of the matter is that the reasoning is radically different from one version to the next. The "you" in "You shall not" is the "you" singular, not the "you" plural. An example of a modification in spelling is the use of the letter yud or vav in one but not the other rendering. Christians, however, just regard this as a preamble rather than an actual commandment and begin their lists with the statement, "You shall have no other gods before Me." By Gods grace, we can overcome the temptation to worship them in Gods place. Answer (1 of 13): What are the differences between the 10 commandments in Exodus and Deuteronomy? When we shop late at night, golf on Sunday morning, or watch sporting events that continue past midnight, do we consider how it may affect those working at these times? The six days of work are as much a part of the commandment as the one day of rest. Nothing else in life should concern us more than our desire to love and be loved by God. When students were expected to read the Bible in public schools, for example, they were forced to read the King James translation favored by Protestants; the Catholic Douay translation was forbidden. Work may demand so much time awayphysically, mentally, or emotionallythat it frays the bondbetween spouses. If necessary, people may work from home after 8 pm or so, but workers are expected not to work or communicate with one another between 6 and 8. "H&NQ-q#8t'JJMYqV6IuYOoi u]%ZZ}O'-;~oL}btutw}kk8Wvx||"RDzi*#5oJ+\;+. How should people behave responsibly, according to the Ten Commandments? The two differ in more than a dozen instances in the spelling of some terms, added and changed expressions, word order changes, and the insertion of explanations in the Deuteronomic edition. As Paul noted, we may not be able to prevent the feeling of anger, but we can learn how to cope with our anger. At the same time, we recognize that deceptionis sometimes practiced, accepted, and even approved in the Scriptures. The same may occur with virtually every other element of success, including preparation, hard work, creativity, risk, wealth and other resources, and even chance. The Protestant tradition traces back to the 16th century Reformation. Monotheism means belief in the existence of only one god, and both of the quoted statements are reflective of the true situation of the ancient Jews: monolatry, which is the belief in the existence of multiplegods but only worship one of them. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. The Ten Commandments (indeed, all of Exodus 20-24) shares similarities with the Code of Hammurabi, but they are similarities of culture. In Jesus day, the Pharisees wanted to restrict this to speaking well of them. 14:5-6). 8. Everyone was right in their own sight. Both words, no matter its spelling, mean the same. Raising children is a form of work, and no workplace requires higher standards of trustworthiness, compassion, justice, and fairness. The rest, they dont coincide! Can you honestly say that popular face of Jesus Christ being portrayed today is the same Jesus 2000 years ago? 5 0 obj The Midrash Mekhilta dR. There are many ways to honoror dishonoryour father and mother. With what you mentioned, it seems that you are saying that since Jesus became a human being, it is okay to make a graven image. The reason is likely the long-standing Protestant dominance in American public and civic life. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. V. Thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, It is not wrong to notice the things that belong to our neighbors, nor even to desire to obtain such things for ourselves legitimately. If they include the second commandment, their followers will start to ask why they have statues and graven image as part of their worship while the BIBLE CONDEMNS THIS PRACTICE! Six days you shall labor and do all your work (Deut. Clearly both things could not have happened, so it has to be one or the other. We, humans, do not have the right to reduce God into a mere lifeless stone. Among other things, he notes that the sources do not address the problems adequately. An important distinction between the two texts on this commandment is their grounding in creation and redemption, respectively. houses for rent in larchmont norfolk, va; . Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant,nor your ox, nor your donkey,nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates,that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. When students were expected to read the Bible in public schools, for example, they were forced to read theKing James translationfavored by Protestants; the Catholic Douay translation was forbidden. On the other hand, perhaps we simply require someone to work at a miserable time who otherwise would have worked at a convenient hour. The Ten Commandments demand absolute obedience. The tenth commandment prohibits coveting anything that belongs to your neighbor (Deut. After the initial similarities, the content and message of each book deviates into other subjects. "wrongful use of the Lord's name" (Ex 20:7, Deut 5:11), to keep the Sabbath Each of the Ten Commandments is directed to the individual rather than the group. MegaEssays, "Comparison between Deuteronomy 5 through12 and Exodus 20 through 24.," MegaEssays.com, https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/201825.html (accessed January 18, 2023). 8 The Lord said to Moses, Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live. 9 So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Intriguingly, the variations in these commandments specifically address work. similarities of 10 commandments in exodus and deuteronomylesson 10 eliminating wordiness and redundancy answer key. Know Your Bible: All 66 Books Explained and Applied (Value Books). Over 2,180 Amazon reviewers gave it an average of 4.4 out of 5.0 stars. But envy isnt one of them. The name "Decalogue," literally "ten words" ( deka logous ), reflects the Greek translation of Exodus 34:28. If we were a little more careful about bandying the word God about, perhaps we would be more judicious in claiming to know Gods will, especially as it applies to other people. Both work and rest are included in the fourth commandment. This false god will have its own commandments at odds with Gods, and we will inevitably violate the Torah as we comply with this gods requirements. (LogOut/ Although they have been made a foundation for morality in general, they are in fact addressed only to adult Israelite males. To many, there exists only one version of the Ten Commandments- the generalized "thou shall not" version. Learn Religions, Jul. (2021, July 29). Here again is a description that God gives to create an object, thus essentially filling what may be considered a graven image How is this possible? So in the end, there is no way to "choose" what the "real" Ten Commandments are supposed to be. <> When you remember that you were a slave in the land ofEgypt, it reminds you not to take your own rest as a special privilege, but to bring rest to others just as the Lord brought it to you. One dispute concerning the Ten Commandments concerns how they are to be divided. Exo 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. There are many differences, not just one. Also, there are similarities in the law of retaliation, such as "an eye for an eye" (Leviticus 21:23-25; cf. Idols are gods of our own creation, gods that we feel will give us what we want. The book of Exodus lists the Exodus 20: Deuteronomy 5: The Ten Commandments. They are not idols, per se, and in fact may be necessary for us to accomplish our roles in Gods creative and redemptive work in the world. 7 'You shall have no other gods before Me. The first application to the workplace, then, is literal. The second commandment is altogether different, forbidding making, bowing down to, serving, or otherwise using statues in the worship of God. Tell me? Christianity then gradually progressed to become an African and European religion. Coveting happens when someone sees the prosperity, achievements, or talents of another, and then resents it, or wants to take it, or wants to punish the successful person. by Ed van der Maas (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1982), p . If you argue that the first and second should be fused, then you are making a mistake. But we are put to the test by this commandment when we find it burdensome to work on behalf of our parents. I dont select the ads displayed here but generated by advertising software. Will you follow the correct version of Ten Commandments as it was mentioned in the Bible? What about assurances from management that mislead employees about impending layoffs? But the eighth commandment tells us that no society can thrive when property rights are violated with impunity by individuals, criminal gangs, businesses, or governments. Is this to say I OWN MY WIFE??. Itshowed thatwhen the assumption that everyone needs to be always available was collectively challenged, not only could individuals take time off, but their work actually benefited. Presentation design guide: tips, examples, and . The Ten Commandments were transmitted by God soon after the Israelites left Egypt. . What we need are times and places for both work and rest, which together are good for us, our family, workers, and guests. Even the whole commandment is contained in one verse. Deuteronomy 22:1 states, You shall not watch your neighbors ox or sheep straying away and ignore them; you shall take them back to their owner. Saying Its none of my business is no excuse for callousness. This text was likely written in the seventh century BCE, around 300 years later than the Exodus text which forms the basis for the Protestant version of the Ten Commandments. It would be very chaotic and people would be out of control. 2. 4:28). Cline, Austin. The first commandment is a commandment prohibiting the worship of anything in the place of God. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.. Walter Brueggemann, The Book of Exodus, in vol. There are two accounts of the Ten Commandments. I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. A case of an augmentation is the second reason inserted in Deuteronomy for honoring ones parents. It might surprise you, but the Ten Commandments that we traditional know is really NOT the same with the Ten Commandments written in the Bible. Pingback: Top 10 Blog Posts of the Year 2015 | Becoming Christians. Click the link in that email to complete registration so you can comment. When Moses does return, it is with the commandments for 5:12-15). There are some similarities between the Ten Commandments/Mosaic Law and the Code of Hammurabi, but the differences are even more profound. it helps to pay the bills and keeps this website running. Testament books that set forth the Decalogue, or Ten Commandments. Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be long,and that it may be well with youin the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Co-founder Henry Kaestner says the biblical Sabbath is an inspiration for the policy, not because of its religious particularity, but because it gives everyone time for rest and relationship. QURAN 17:23. Exodus 20:2-17: Deuteronomy 5:6-21: 1: 2 I am the LORD your God, which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 2. Not only must you rest, those who work for youslaves, other Israelites, even animalsmust be given rest. For this purpose, let us see what Exodus 20 has to . Thou shalt not . The commandment specifically prohibits speaking falsely about another person, but it brings up the question of whether we must tell the truth in every kind of situation. Dishonoryour father and mother a PhD in Judaic studies Commandments, and fairness from Psalm 27, is an! Firstfruits of thy land thou shalt have no other gods before me to fall into idolatry with masters degrees both... Let me ask you is ones wife his property interpretation of the matter of work,! We want this is because of founder Truett Cathys particular interpretation of the status on. Augmentation is the use of the LORD thy God work for youslaves, other Israelites even! 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